I’ve tried my hand at writing a couple of time-based / time travel short stories!
Kept in the Dark
Kept in the Dark (480 words) is a competition entry where the first line was provided:
“Time stood still when the lights went out.”
The rest was up to us!
Mark of Achievement
Mark of Achievement (about 3000 words).
In this short story I look at the grandfather paradox. The “Grandfather paradox” is usually considered from the viewpoint of the grandson who goes back in time to kill his grandfather. With no grandfather to father his parents, will the grandson exist to go back in time and make the kill in the first place?
In “Mark of Achievement” I turn this view upside down and think about how a grandfather would feel when faced with such a visit from his grandson.
I hope you enjoy this one too! 🙂
Waiting Arms
Waiting Arms (About 400 words).
The consequences of a failed grandfather paradox plays out.
I wanted to explore further the human side of the grandfather paradox which is usually explained from the point of view of the grandson. I looked at it from the grandfather’s point of view in Mark Of Achievement. Waiting Arms, in a way, continues the angle and looks at how the grandson deals with the consequences of his failure.
Paul Sterlini
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I loved this – very fun – you write awfully well, and give great description. I liked how you switched the words around when time went backwards. Effective it was! Thanks for sharing!
Many thanks for your very kind words Jennifer! They mean a lot! 🙂 Indeed, that paragraph was a fun one to write!