Shoes for Work – and Time Travel!

Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhikers’Guide to the Galaxy” declares that there’s a lot to be said about a hitch hiker who still has his towel with him. I suggest that the time traveler’s equivalent is their pair of shoes.

Time travel through genetic projection

Having children arguably takes you back to your own childhood…if not they make you feel your own age. Here I present a corollary; children are not just the future – they are our genetic projections into it!

Review: The Chronothon by Nathan Van Coops

Nathan Van Coops masterfully creates a universe with scientifically viable time travel in The Chronothon. Brilliantly written with a splash of humour!

Thrust into a deadly race across the ages, Ben becomes an unwilling pawn in the machinations of forces seeking to destroy parallel universes. Time travelers, a dog, an alien and an organism gun (yes, that’s spelled correctly…) play intelligently thought out roles in a “chronothon”.

Time Travel: People Finally "Catch Up" With Machines

Time travel is not just about theory and science fiction stories anymore. It has been “out there” for at least 60 years and there are several “smoking guns”, indicative of people actually time traveling!

If there are people time traveling out there via machine, does that mean that people might also be able to time travel “on foot”? Every once in a while the thought crosses someone’s mind about being able to time travel through thought or intention. People already time travel in the astral or dream state, but what about physical time travel in the waking state? Enter “quantum jumping”.