Whatever I do, I always seem to have too little time to do it in. There’s just never enough time, even for simply getting out of the house in the morning.
All we have to do, is wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, brush our teeth, and leave the house. 2 hours should be enough, right?
The alarm is set to early. My daughters’ clothes are pre-chosen last night and are lying at the bottom of the bed ready for them or for me to help them put on. Breakfast things are laid out on the table from the night before in preparation. School bags are already loaded in the car.
But it’s still all rushed and frantic. My two and a half and my 5 year old are getting distracted by…anything and everything. Hair clips, toys, walls…and before I know it the 2 hours I’ve planned in just isn’t enough. The time that was earmarked for a few simple basic activities has been lost to untangling and brushing hair, finding and fixing hair clips, deciding what things to do next and in what order…and doing these same activities for my girls instead of their dolls.
If I don’t get them sorted and dropped off to the nursery and school in time I’m going to have misunderstanding child-carers and teachers having a go at me (or worse…my girls) and I’ll also miss my train.
I barely make it in time, but I do. I’m on the train and reading the free newspaper. I can’t read Dutch, so I look at the pictures.
I think I have an excuse, but this guy?!!
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