Cartoon with a warning for time travellers – take note!
Tag: graphic
Temporal (re)assignment
Cartoon strip highlighting the problem of temporal paradoxes.
Time creation from angular momentum
Can the laws of conservation of angular momentum be manipulated such that we can create time? Here’s a graphic from which suggests so!
Time travel in nature
Sceptics of time travel might argue that it’s an abomination of the natural laws that are already in place. But time travel does appear in nature…
Tea with a dinosaur
Perhaps we don’t understand or know about history as much as we think we do!
Not enough time
Whatever I do, I always seem to have too little time to do it in. Even if it’s simply getting out of the house in the morning. I think I have an excuse, but this guy…?
The Dutch Masters of Time
Holland. Well known for being flat, tulips, clogs, windmills and bicycles. Now add hideous table clothes and a strange idea of the English calendar!
Time traveling dinosaurs
I don’t know how, who, what or why, but somehow these time traveling dinosaurs turned up at home…
The Temporal Jester
One of the Goodreads time travel group moderators commissioned an artist to draw The Temporal Jester. Here it is!
Dating for Geeks
Dating for Geeks cartoon strip asks: What would you like most if you were like Marty McFly in Back to the Future?
Time travel aneurysm
Friends at the time travel group directed me towards this strip from SMBC comics. Despite the humour, who’d have … More